Short course
Abstract Shimadzu technical meeting; Total solutions for food analysis
During this technical meeting offered By Shimadzu Europa GmbH you will be able to follow several presentations related to the evaluation of the most important nutritional products in the world: Beer, Wine and Sausages.
The program will comprise 3 presentations covering elemental analysis by ICPOES, ICPMS and EDX.
- How healthy is beer? Analysis of Contaminants by ICP-MS, Uwe Oppermann, Shimadzu Europa GmbH
- Determination of Calcium by EDX; A fast method for the determination in mechanically recovered meat, Dr. Helmar Wiltsche, Technical University Graz, Graz, Austria
- Simultaneous determination of heavy metals in food and beverages, Prof. Dr. Juergen Schram, University of Applied Sciences Hochschule Niederrhein, FB Chemie, Krefeld, Germany
Beer samples will be available without cost for all visitors. Shimadzu beer glasses will be available as give away.
Uwe Oppermann, Helmar Wiltsche, Jürgen Schramm